Sunday, May 18, 2014


The final piece, the trimmings and scraps accumulated over time from the previous works were blended to create a chunky gray.  Clean paper was added incrementally creating a gradient as the fractal grows.  

A spiral is the boundary and the source.  The shape meets the edge of frame, which is enveloped as growth continues past the old window.  

The past work is a foundation, which the future work uses. 


Using paper to create relief, elevation shows materiality.  Pulverized beans, tannic dyes, wood pulp, and paynes gray create texture and tone.

A portion of the grid is framed, the grid is pushed and pulled.  Rasterized oscillations, highly pixelated and patinated.


Paper making continues, printmaking begins.  Acrylic engraving used to press un-pressed paper, allows for creation of form with texture, placed within a surrounding texture.  This was a happy discovery of a technique that seems to have many things to offer.

The last one to the gathering.  Now we may begin.


The past journey led to a new discovery, the path through texture has led to paper, the mixing and pouring of which provides many avenues of exploration.  An interesting stop, this has given the opportunity for study and experimentation.  Many things to try.

The road trip came.  It was south to new places, and many fond memories.  As a passenger, the windows of a car become portholes to the passing world.


Deep into the path of searching for texture.

Journey brings to mind so many road trips, through this country and others.  A favorite past time of reflection and new perspectives, always welcome and enjoyed.


Exploration continues, of texture and shading.  

Thoughts are of peeling layers, of grunge and wear, the palimpsest reversed.


An interest was piqued to explore textures in new ways.  Utilizing objects in my immediate surroundings, including that of paper itself, I discovered interesting ways to manipulate and layer.

Inspiration came from the digital landscape.  Eerily glowing skewed horizons of vectrified places and things.  The trivium expands, and extends.